Škratova jama
Škratova jama
Ljudsko izročilo pravi, da je pred davnimi časi vhod vodil v dolg rov pod Belo Cerkvijo. V rovu so živeli majhni, prijazni škratki. Ljudem so pomagali in bili njihovi pravi prijatelji. Mir v tem kraju je pokvaril pohlepen mladenič, ki se je naselil v vasi. Škratov ni maral in jih je preganjal. Ti se z njim niso želeli prerekati in so se po svojem rovu umaknili na bližnji Vinji Vrh. Ljudje, ki so ostali brez škratove pomoči, so ničvrednega mladeniča izgnali iz vasi, vendar se škratje niso vrnili. Ljudem so pretili hudi časi. Da vas ne bi propadla, se je najstarejši škrat odločil, da bo ljudem kljub vsemu pomagal, vendar se jim ni nikoli prikazal pri belem dnevu. Od takrat dalje se ta rov imenuje Škratova jama. Po Beli Cerkvi večkrat zadiši po sveže pečenem domačem kruhu, ki ga pečejo gospodinje. Ali so mogoče škratje s kakšnim svojim skrivnim receptom zaslužni za to, da se v Beli Cerkvi peče tako dober kruh?
Dwarf cave
The saying goes that a long time ago there was an entrance which led into a long tunnel underneath Bela Cerkev. The tunnel was home to small and friendly dwarfs. They helped people as their true friends. The peace in the village was spoilt with the arrival of a greedy young man. He didn’t like the dwarfs and decided to drive them away.
They didn’t want to pick a quarrel with him, so they decided to retire through their tunnel to a nearby Vinji Vrh. The people who lost the help of their dwarf friends banished the young man from their village, but that didn’t bring the dwarfs back. Times were looking hard for the villagers. In order to help the village from downfall, the oldest dwarf
decided to help the people, though he never revealed himself at daylight. From that day onward the tunnel is called the Dwarf cave.Often there’s the smell of fresh home-baked bread, made by housewives in Bela Cerkev Is it possible that the dwarfs and maybe one of their secret recipes have something to do with such tasty bread in Bela Cerkev?
Date: 11/25/2013
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